I find it only fitting that the fist Gobbler to ever fall to one of my calls was this dandy Longbeard. This gobbler fell to the the gun of this fine young turkey hunter on his first ever turkey hunt. It was Wisconsin's Youth hunt in early April of 2006. My good buddy Arturo Bernal guided this young man and called this gobbler in using a Blackwalnut and Purpleheart box Built by yours truly. My Camo hat is off to this fine young man, I hope he is hooked. These youngsters are the future of our hunting sports. My hat is also off to Arturo for taking the time to share his love for hunting with someone who might not otherwise have had this chance. It is hard to beat being out there interacting with Mother Nature
A Double April 2006.
Now here is a Turkey hunting crew if I ever saw one. Top: Nikki Bunting Arturo Bernal, Bottom: Ben Bunting and Al Luer . Thease four were hunting together during the third week of Wisconsin's 2006 season. Arturo Was the doing the calling using the Purpleheart over Sumac Box I built for Al, well what do you know in came this pair, a Jake and a Gobbler, Al and Ben had to shoot in self defence I was told. Nikki is Al's youngest Daughter and Ben there, he is Al's son in law. I can't wait until my girls are old enough to go along with me. Got to love it. They do allot together as a Family.
May 2006,
This is the very first out of state Gobbler to fall to a Foggy Holler Box call. This is my Good Buddy Paul Klima (Maytom) from NY state. He is a Turkey hunting machine, I got to meet and hunt with him for the first time in NY last spring. Could be the funnest guy I have ever been around. Any way Paul coaxed in this NY Longbeard using a Blackwalnut over Cedar box I built for him. Paul uses a hint of New York accent when he runs a Box call. It did the trick on this Gobbler.
Here is another shot from Paul, Gun, Call and Gobbler
Here is a link to the Luer family Business. There is some real wood working talent there.